Monday, March 29, 2021

Jammu and Kashmir : Geo-Political Overview

Jammu and Kashmir : Geo-Political Overview

Jammu and Kashmir is strategically and geographically important due do its sensitive and central location. It was very difficult to demarcate the absolute geographical boundaries of the state due to mountainous topography. Credit goes to the Maharaja Gulab Singh" - the first Dogra King - who took initiative to demarcate the territories, extending them from the river Ravi in the East to the river Indus in the West, as laid down by the Treaty of Amritsar on 16th of March, 1846 A.D. between the British government and Gulab Singh, Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir. Before 1846, Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh were three separate regions and were under the control of different rulers.  

Historical Background

(A) Jammu

    The name of Jammu city has been derived from the ruler of the are - Jambu Lochan. He was the ruler of the Bahu State across rive Tawi along with his brother Bahu Lochan. Once, Raja Jambu Lochan came for hunting in the are west of river Tawi, he saw a Lion and Lamb drinking water together at a water tank. King was surprised and gave up the idea of hunting. he realised the importance and piousness of the place where the lion and the lamb took water together. he built a city around the tank. the city of Jammu was developed and named Jambu Nagar. Later on it was known as 'Jammu". After the construction of Jammu city, the king Bahu Lochan constructed a fort on the eastern bank of the river Tawi and became the ruler of that area. It is said that Jammu city was founded about three thousand years ago.

(B) Kashmir


Sunday, March 28, 2021

राष्ट्रियपति कोविंद की होंगी बाईपास सर्जरी।

नई दिल्ली : राष्ट्रियपति रामनाथ कोविंद को शनिवार को अखिल भारतीय अयुविज्ञान संस्थान ( एम्स ) में शिफ्ट किया गया। 

यहां मंगलवार को उनका बाईपास सर्जरी की जायेगी। राष्ट्रियपति भवन की और से बताया गया की उनकी हालत स्थिर है।

शुक्रवार को सीने में दर्द की शिकयत के बाद उन्हे सेना के अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया था।

Writter : Suraj Sir

Friday, March 26, 2021

Panchayati Raj in Jammu and Kashmir by Suraj Sir

Panchayati Raj in Jammu and Kashmir

The word "Panchayat" has been drived from the Sanskrit word "Panch" and "Chayat":. The former means and later means forum for discussion. Thus, the word Panchayat is a forum of wise men's discussion of the local problems connected with rural societies.

    History reveals the existence of Panchayat System during the Aryan times in India. It was meant for rural agricultural societies to cope with basic justice problems. It was based on the decentralization of power for effective running of the local administration.

Panchayati Raj in Jammu and Kashmir Before Independence

The history of Panchayats in Jammu and Kashmir opened the chapter of Panchayats in the villages in 1935 under the Jammu and Kashmir Panchayat Regulation No. 1 of Samvat 1992 i.e. 1935. These panchayats meant to assist the administration of civil and criminal justice and also to manage the sanitation and other common concerns of the villages. Villages Panchayat Act 1941 was another important act for Panchayat before Independence.

Panchayati Raj in Jammu and Kashmir After Independence

631 panchayats were existed in the state at the time of Independence of India. In 1949 A.D. the department of panchayats and rural development began its activities for rural upliftment such as improving irrigational arrangement, dewatering the area, bringing waste land under cultivaion etc. 

    Panchayat Sytem envisage three dimensional aprroaches for all round welfare of the masses with particular stress on individual development of the personality for healthy and prosperous society:-

1.    It strengthens the basic roots of democracy which is the best form of government in the world.

2.    Through this system, one also gets an opportunity in the decision making process at grass root level.

3.    This System enables to oversee and supervise need and requirement based developmental programmes local areas for their proper execution.

Written and Uploaded by Suraj Sir

Happy Reading

Thursday, March 25, 2021


 It is the speech which lies around 30 seconds to 3 minutes or 5 minutes. But, it should not be more than 5 minutes. In case, if anyone ask you to tell about you more than 5 minutes. You have to make a sharp choice of "What You Have To Tell? But, do not write an award winning boring autobiography.In this speech, You have to tell who you are and what you are about?

Self Intro Points

Following are some of the self intro points:

1. Wishes: It is the first thing you have to do in your speech. At this point only you have to try to grab the attention of the audience. You have to wish depending upon the time, either Morning, Noon or evening. You can wish in different ways to grab the attention of the audience.

For Example: Good Morning Beautiful Girls And Handsome Boys, Good Morning Everyone, Good Morning To One And All.

2. Purpose: We have to tell the purpose, why we have came in front of the audience. We can say, I have came here to tell you about myself or I have came here to tell you about one of the great personality of the century. He is none other than its me.

3. Name: Here you have to tell about your name. To grab the attention of audience, you have to present your name differently. If you know you can tell the name of your.

4. Father's Name: Here you have to mention about your father's name. Start your father name as Mr or Shri or Dr or Er.

5. Family: It is the great opportunity to tell about your family. So, tell the details what you want to tell about them.

6. Profession: Tell about your profession what you are doing at present?

7. Location: Tell about your present location, where you are staying and if you want you can also tell with when you are living.

8. Hobbies / Habits: Hobby means what you would like to do in your leisure time. Habit means your regular activities. This part tells about your nature and your life style. So, be careful while telling this.

    In interviews, they will again ask question regarding your habits and hobbies. So, be careful and try to tell your real hobby.

  9. Life Aim: Tell about "What is your life aim"? It will be good if your life aim is high. You have to think high and you have try to reach high.

10. Achievements: Tell about What you have achieved up to now, minimum is good to say three achievements and best to have five and above.

Written And Upload By SURAJ SIR

Happy Reading

Friday, March 19, 2021

सत्य ही सर्वोपरि धर्म।

सत्य ही सर्वोपरि धर्म
एक दिन पार्वती जी भगवान शंकर के पास बैठी सत्संग कर रही थी। उन्होंने पूछ लिया, आपकी दृष्टि से सबसे बड़ा धर्म क्या है? शंकर जी ने जवाब दिया - सबसे बड़ा धर्म है सत्य। सत्य पर सदैव अडिग रहने में कल्याण है और सबसे बड़ा अधर्म असत्य है।

शंकर जी ने कहा, सत्य का त्याग कर देने वाला विभिन्न दुर्गुणों का शिकार बनकर अपना जीवन कष्टमय बना लेता है।

जबकि सत्य का पालन करने वाला ना कभी भयभीत होता है और ना ही किसी प्रकार के प्रपंच और लोभ - लालच के आकर्षण में फंसता है। 

मानुष को चाहिए की वह अपने शुभ अथवा अशुभ कर्मों में स्वय को ही साक्षी माने। मन, वाणी और क्रिया द्वारा कभी गलत या पाप कर्म करने की इच्छा न करे।

यह ध्यान रखना चाहिए की जीव जैसा कर्म करता है, वैसा ही फल पाता है। अपने किए का फल उसे स्वय  ही भोगना पड़ता है।

उन्होंने कहा, तृष्णा के समान कोई दुख और त्याग ने समान कोई सुख नहीं है।

समस्त कामनाओं का परित्याग कर देने वाला मानुष ही ब्रह्म भाव को प्राप्त करता है।

यह महान आशचर्या की बात है की मानुष की इंद्रियां प्रतिशन जीर्ण हो रही है और उनकी आयु नष्ट हो रही है।

फिर भी वह आकांशायो में, प्रपंच में लगे रहकर अपना समय गवा रहे है।

सूरज प्रकाश

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

देश विदेश की खबरे।

खबर आज की।
1. सबसे बड़ा चुनावी दंगल बंगाल में।

2. कृषि में बड़े निजी भागीदारी, किसान गेहूं धान तक सीमित न रहे : मोदी

3. अमिताभ बोले : गैरी सोबर्स जैसा कर रहा हूं महसूस।

4. बेंगलुरु बैठक में हो सकता है संघ के शीर्ष पदों और बदलाव।

5. चीनी हैकर्स के निशाने पर थे सीरम भारत बायोटेक के सर्वर।

6. फ्रांस : पूर्व राष्ट्रपति को भ्रष्टाचार मामले में जेल।

7. सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने दुष्कर्म आरोपी से पूछा, पीड़ित से शादी करोगे।

8. आयात ने बढ़ाई जीएसटी वसूली, विनिर्माण भी मजबूत।

9. सिंधु और साइना स्विस ओपन के सेमी फाइनल में हो सकती है आमने सामने।।

10. एसबीआई का होम लोन 0.10% सस्ता।

11. पीएम मोदी की कोलकाता में रैली सात को होगी।

12. को विन अप सिर्फ प्रशानिक इस्तेमाल के लिए, टीका पंजीकरण पोर्टल से ही।

13. 6 राज्यो में Corona का प्रोकोप बड़ा, सक्रिय कैसे 1.68 लाख हुए।

14. उद्योगपतियों को एक इंच भी जमीन नहीं देंगे किसान : राकेश टिकैत

15. 8575 पदों के लिए साढ़े तीन लाख ने दी परीक्षा 

16. पीएचडी धारक भी बैठे परीक्षा में।

17. दसवी की बोर्ड परीक्षा में चमके होनहार, लड़कियों ने मारी बाजी: जम्मू संभाग के विंटर जोन में 66.56% प्रतिशत ने पास की परीक्षा।

18. वीरप्पा मोइली ने खुद को किया जी 23 से अलग।

19. खेलो इंडिया विंटर गेम्स में जम्मू कश्मीर का दबदबा।

20. सफाई कर्मचारियों ने किया प्रदर्शन।

शेयर करे इस आर्टिकल को।
आप सभी का बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।

e-rupee launch in India

 e-rupee launch in India भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक ने पायलट प्रोजेक्ट के रूप में मुद्रा ई - रूपी मंगलवार को लॉन्च कर दिया।  एसबीआई, आईसीआईसीआई, बैं...