Sunday, September 27, 2020

Variou Forces In Nature

DAY : SUNDAY , DATE : 27-09-2020
TIME : 1:57 PM

There are four basic four forces in nature - 1. Gravitational Force, 2. Electromagnetic Force, 3. Nuclear Force, 4. Weak Force.

1. Gravitational Force : This force arises due to the masses of the interacting particles or bodies. It is given by Newton's Law of Gravitation.
      Gravitational Force is always attractive and varies inversely as the square of distance between the bodies.

2. Electromagnetic Force : This force is exists only between charged particles or bodies  It is given by Coulomb's Law in case the charges are at rest and can be attractive or repulsive.

3. Nuclear Force : This force holds the nucleons ( #Protons and #Neutrons) together in a nucleus. It is responsible for the formation of the nucleus. It is independent of charge of nucleons and is a short range attractive force.
4. Weak Force : This force operates during beta- decay or any process in which the decay products are leptons ( #Electrons, #Positrons, #Neutrinos etc.). The force is independent of the charge carried by leptons. It is a weak force as compared with nuclear force 

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